Sunday, August 23, 2015

Are you inquiring the way toward heaven? By J.C. Ryle

Are you seeking salvation, but doubtful whether you can find it? 
Are you desiring to have an interest in Christ, but doubting whether Christ will receive you?

To you I say this day, 
“Behold the cross of Christ.”

…Here is encouragement if you really want it. Draw near to the Lord Jesus with boldness, for nothing need keep you back: His arms are open to receive you; His heart is full of love towards you. He has made a way by which you may approach Him with confidence. Think of the cross. Draw near, and fear not. Are you an unlearned man? Are you desirous to get to heaven, and yet perplexed and brought to a stand-still by difficulties in the Bible that you cannot explain? To you also I say this day, “Behold the cross of Christ.” Read there the Father’s love and the Son’s compassion. Surely they are written in great plain letters, which none can well mistake. What though you are now perplexed by the doctrine of election? What though at present you cannot reconcile your own utter corruption and your own responsibility? Look, I say, at the cross. Does not that cross tell you that Jesus is a mighty, loving, ready Savior? Does it not make one thing plain–and that is that if not saved it is all your own fault? Oh, get hold of that truth, and hold it fast!
…Reader, if you never heard of Christ crucified before this day, I can wish you nothing better than that you may know Him by faith, and rest on Him for salvation. If you do know Him may you know Him better every year you live, until you see Him face to face. - J.C. Ryle

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